Toggle the Explode and Collapse of pre-defined Exploded Views (Assembly Only)

Değiştirilme tarihi: Kasım 17,2017  
İndirmeler: 214  

Teknik Özellikler

Açıklama:This macro toggles the exploded view state of the active assembly configuration. If no exploded view exists, then no action is performed. If an exploded view does exist; the macro detects if it is in an exploded state, and if so, the macro will collapse the view. If the macro detects the view is in a collapsed state, the macro will explode the view. For assembly documents only. If more than one exploded view exists per configuration, this macro will only interact with the first exploded view. Use the bitmap and place the macro on the S-Key of the SW GUI.
    Önkoşul: An exploded view must pre-exist in the active assembly configuration. The view can be either in the exploded or collapsed state at time of macro execution.
  Sonkoşul: Will toggle the exploded view to it's alternative state of collapsed or exploded if the exploded view exists.
SOLIDWORKS sürümü: Unknown
Programlama Dili: SW_VBA


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John Milbery

Üyelik süresi: 31.05.2001
Başlık: Administrator
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