Isolate Macro

Değiştirilme tarihi: Kasım 17,2017  
İndirmeler: 217  

Teknik Özellikler

Açıklama:Pre-Select one or more components in an assembly and execute the macro. The components will become isolated. The advantages of this macro is that you can place it on the Graphics Area menu (which pops up when you left mouse button select a component). This is merely a convenience, but makes a huge difference if you are constantly isolating components. Use the included icon bitmap to place it on the Graphics Area Pop-Up menu.
    Önkoşul: At least one component must be pre-selected prior to executing this macro.
  Sonkoşul: The pre-selected components will be isolated in the graphics window.
SOLIDWORKS sürümü: Unknown
Programlama Dili: SW_VBA


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John Milbery

Üyelik süresi: 31.05.2001
Başlık: Administrator
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